Mission, Values & Vision
Mission Statement:
The Alberta Junior Forest Wardens Association, a leading family oriented organization, fosters an understanding and respect for our natural environment through educational programs, leadership and outdoor skills.
Vision Statement:
Youth and families who are responsible citizens showing leadership, while respecting our natural environment.
Value Statements:
The Alberta Junior Forest Warden Association values safe, challenging and rewarding outdoor programs for families, that help develop respect for ourselves, each other, and our natural environment.
We value partnerships that help sustain our programs and provide us with opportunities for growth.
We value our youth, parents, leaders and volunteers by ensuring ongoing opportunities for training and education that create an atmosphere for life-long learning.
We value an environment that provides positive leadership and inspires personal growth in our youth, parents, leaders and volunteers.
We value our communities by sharing our responsibility for the environment and community through involvement in projects and activities.
Revised January 2016
“None of Nature’s landscapes are ugly so long as they are wild.” - John Muir