Welcome to the home of the Junior Forest Wardens

Outdoor adventures for Canadian families since 1930!

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Coupon code for PT North Camp: PTNORTH25

Junior Forest Wardens is all about outdoor adventure, challenge and leadership. 

It is unique! 

Junior Forest Wardens (JFW) is an exciting and educational opportunity for young people and their families to have fun, develop skills, and get educated in the many diverse aspects of our natural environment.  JFW operates through clubs which meet regularly to participate in a variety of activities and to plan weekend outings. 

Explore our site to learn more about JFW!

The JFW Experience

Junior Forest Wardens is a family program for youths aged 6-17 (as of Oct 15th) based on the Four Pillars - Forestry, Ecology, Outdoor Skills and Leadership.  In addition to regular club meetings, camps, hikes and other local programming, regional and national events are held, such as:

We all travel the Milky Way together, trees and men...   In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.  

The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness.

John Muir